Assembly Line: A Modern Mancala
We often move through life like machines on an assembly line, but remembering our humanity is vital. For this project, I designed a five-part toy packaging line with identical dimensions that reflects this concept. Each package not only expresses a brand identity focused on mindfulness; it is a unique collectible and a supplementary part of the game inside.
Year: 2023
Duration: 3 weeks
The Concept
Assembly Line draws inspiration from Pop Art’s commentary on mass production and the recent emphasis on mental health awareness. The exterior packaging features factory-made sci-fi robots personified as overwhelmed college students. As the packaging is ‘deconstructed,’ the robot’s chest reveals a mancala game board, symbolizing the inner personality and heart within each character. By replacing the original game pieces with gears, the narrative shifts. Now, players reconstruct the robot into a ‘better bot’ through mindful play.
This project emphasizes that, just like students, these 'robots' have more inside than meets the eye—reminding players the importance of balancing work and play for mental well-being.